I’ve been a GNU/Linux (from now on, just Linux) user for many years. As with many other Linux users even I hop between various Linux distributions and the reason for this short post is that I hopped again and this leads me to think about this a little bit.
True is that MacOS or Windows users have this probably easier. They just have one version of the system and that’s it. However, in the Linux world, we have plenty of options for basically the same thing.
Same you said? Well at least for me, since I ended up with the same setup and applications no matter which distribution I install. So what’s the reason to hop between distribution? For me, it’s for sure that the current setup makes me bored and I looking for something more exciting. Also, I had very bad design of my partitions on my HDDs so I decided to back up everything and make it better.
Distribution of choice is, for now, Endeavour OS which is Arch-based, but you do not need to set up everything from scratch. I had Arch Linux for half of the last year and it was a pretty good experience so I believe, this time this distribution stay with me for a long time.
Also, I have installed Linux Mint between Arch Linux and Endeavour OS. It’s a fantastic operating system for all who want just use a computer and it’s my go-to option for all the other computers in my family. For me, it’s the system that I install whenever I break something, well let’s see how long it will take before I break my new installation.